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Keymapping Windows-Server -- Linux-Client

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Raphael Syed
Hey, i've got a problem with the configuration. My server-system is windows 7 and I want to use the mouse an keyboard on a client with Linux(Debian 8). Everything works fine, except some key-mappings. The "alt-gr" button does not work with every key. For Example: It's working together with the "7" Key, so if I'm pressing "alt-gr" + "7" a "{" is showing up. But "alt-gr" together with the "8" key doesn't work. If I'm pressing both of the keys together nothing happens. On my Synergy-Server(windows) every key is working fine. Some keys work and some don't on the client. There are also some keys wich arent working without pressing any modify-key. The "?" key is not working if I'm pressing the key without using shift, nothing happens. Normally there have to be a "ß" on the screen if I'm pressing the questionmark key without using shift. Does anyone knows how to map the windows keyboard correctly to a linux client? (I'm using a germany keyboard-layout) Thanks!
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Raphael Syed
Thank you, the altgr key is now working properly. But one problems remains. The client (linux) doesn't recognize any german key press like "ä,ö,ß,§". If I'm pressing one of these buttons, nothing happens. Edit: a workaround is using this, after starting synergy: setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout de -variant basic
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