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Cut and Paste- OS X El Capitan - odd behaviour

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Russell Day
I have just switched to Synergy from Teleport because Teleport does not seem to work at all with ElCap. I read people muttering dark imprecations about cut-and-paste with Synergy, but lets face it - dodgy c&p vs not working at all - not a hard decision. Configuration: Synergy 1.7.6 on two Macs, both running OS X 10.11.4. What I am seeing is that on one machine, I copy from Acrobat. On the other, I cannot paste into MYOB but I can paste into Notepad. If I open the document locally on the second box, then the C&P works. This means that: - the data is not the problem, it can be cut and pasted locally; - the applications are not the problem - they work as source and target when both are on the same machine; - ergo, there is something that Synergy does in the data transfer that is acceptable to notepad, but not acceptable to MYOB. Some other combinations work OK - Acrobat - Excel is OK, Excel to Excel is OK. I am willing to agree that MYOB might be doing something weird, but if I can paste locally from Excel to MYOB, then it is reasonable to expect to paste through Synergy from Excel to MYOB. I have heard people moan about C&P not working with Synergy - is this what they mean? Thanks for your help, R
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Stefan Gudmundsson
Seeing very similar issues with Win to Win C&P. Rarely works. Also, file drag and drop have never worked for me even once on any combination of OS's, machines or versions...
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