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Issues with connectivity across subnet

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I wanted to share how at least I was able to get an Mac OSX Sierra server communicating with Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04 clients.

Using the computer names I could never get the clients to establish a connection to the server. And let me say right away that the computer names do not contain any hyphens, underscores or any non-alpha or non-numeric characters.

I noticed in the client's log that although the server name was correct, the printed IP address was not matching what I was seeing on the server's Synergy UI. The server had three IP addresses, which I think came from the wireless adapter, the LAN Ethernet, and some third interface.

Once I specified the IP of the server in the two clients' configuration, the clients started successfully connecting to the server. And more specifically, I had to use the server's IP address that's on the same subnet as the other two clients.

Is this expected behavior?

Best regards,


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