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any detailed instructions from any arch users on how they set up their synergy 2?

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I have an arch system [4.14.12] that I used to use as the server with Synergy 1. I havent been able to get it to work since installing Synergy 2.  


To be honest, I am rather confused on what commands to use and how to use them. I see the Symless team in the past stating that synergy-core is the command I need to run synergy but I also see others say synergy-service.  


Any detailed instructions on setting up my arch system with Synergy 2 as a server machine?

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If you installed the package from the AUR (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/synergy2), you should be good by running :

$ sudo systemctl enable synergy.service
$ sudo systemctl start synergy.service

and then running the Synergy configuration app (/usr/bin/synergy-config, should also be available from your start menu depending on your window manager) then logging in from there.

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