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Mouse-over highlighting Win 10 and OS X 10.11 with O365

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So I recently upgraded to Windows 10 and got a new Mac for work running El Capt (10.11.1). Windows is server, Mac is client, running version 1.7.4 on both. OS X has added new "mouse over highlighting" feature. This feature is very pronounced on Office 365 for Mac. Anytime I am using synergy, and run my mouse across my email client for Office 365, the mouse over highlighting feature bugs out and starts blinking between highlighted lines. This causes my Mac to lock up and I need to wait for the feature to finish drawing all the mouse over movements. This can take up to a minute or more, and is very irritating while on a call for work and need to open my email client and find a reference email. I need to stall on my call and wait for the results. I have looked everywhere on how to disable the mouse over highlighting in OS X, but have found nothing. This does not happen what-so-ever when using the native KB/trackpad/mouse on the mac at all, or anything directly connected. This is only happening using Synergy. I am willing to test things out to get this going. I am adding another Mac and a linux machine to my set-up after christmas, so I am hoping I have something going by then.
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  • 7 months later...
Tony Fisher
I have the same issue when working in Win 8.1 Enterprise desktop server and Win 10 on my surface pro client the text highlighting is a no show until I stay on my server and shutdown Synergy. Anybody else have this issue (I am surprised no one else has had this issue) and can we get it look into and get a resolution????
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