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Why after I uninstall & reinstall it remembers everything?

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Ryan Sistili
The other day out the the blue Synergy stopped working. I've had a damn of a time trying to figure out whats happening. The update came out so I figured I would do an uninstall and reinstall of the newer version. But I had the same problem. What i found frustrating is that an uninstall didn't actually fully uninstall the config. I surmise this because it remembered the other machines name and where I had mapped out their relative positions despite not being reconfigured after reinstalling. Eventually I got them connected to each other but it's still not working. Right now every time I move my mouse from the server to the client the debug log says dpi: 1.50000 m_w:1920 center: 960 x: -214. when I move the mouse the x: # will move from -214 to -216 everything else stays the same. The mouse either never moves on the client despite having left the server screen or it gets stuck in the upper left of the client. Either way it will never return to the server and i have to stop the service using the actual mouse from the client on the client. I really just want to get a clean install but have noticed uninstall leaves shit behind. Any ideas on how to do that? tl;dr I really just want to get a clean install but have noticed uninstall leaves shit behind. Any ideas on how to do that?
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Petr Koudelka
What configuration do you use right now? For me normally it's enough to simply restart the client and everything works just fine. I have Win10 as server and Ubuntu 14.04 as client so simple sh script like this : [code] killall synergyc sleep 1 synergyc -n <client_name> <server_ip> [/code]
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